Pukhtoons are Changing its traditions and Here it is why - Alarming

Pakistan close border with Afghanistan, the two provinces share some common outfit, cultural theme and religious practices, but to keep in view the Pukhtoons on both side of borders have many things in similar and obtained some great achievements in history, which is being written in books of many authors, poets and famous people of media industries.
If we discuss the pukhtoon's/Pushtun's traditions, the most powerful weapon, they have is "unity", which has been seen from their cultural and traditional values, their leadership roles in society and "word of mouth" slogans in society emerged as being honest and extra-ordinary in Asian society.

The author of this blog and admin of Pukhtoons of Islamic Republic of Pakistan asks,
But... what happened to those traditions?

Pakhtuns/Pushtuns of Islamic Republic of Pakistan faced sudden changes in their society, its not about their religious belief but the most common factor which is quiet noticed here is their behavior towards their ancient "practices", for example, Pukhtuns main tradition is "HUJRA SYSTEM",
"Hujra System" is a system where all elders of pakhtuns sit together in separate space (shaped as room or house) where they do their

1. Gathering
2. Discuss the problems of situations
3. Finding the solutions and 
4. Decision-making, within democratic style of management was considered as most honorable act of their culture.

The time has passed and traditions are being liberated by many factors, where speed of life, economical, education, knowledge and awareness has been affecting the culture of pukhtoons on high scale.
The young generation is being considered in pukhtoon's society among the intelligent, hard-work and polite, but yet to be considered as flaw in their tradition.
Technology, needs of today, greed, anger and hatred has massively damaged the society of pukhtoons while capitalistic system has engaged them in different goals, aims and objectives which is leading the most honorable, respective and proud culture far away from its real existence and shape.

Muhammad Atif, Branch Operations Supervisor (BOS) at First Women Bank Limited, post-graduated from Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, MBA. Certified General Banker from the Institute of Bankers Pakistan.

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