Dajjal (Anti Christ) has Arrived and Living among us - Eye Opening Fact

In the light of Qur'an, Dajjal is the false Messiah and also known as Anti-Christ for people of Israel or religion Zionists as not clearly mentioned in Qur'an, A man blind on right eye.
We've read enough about Dajjal and his rise from the beginning, but many scholars has written that MUHAMMAD (PBUH) whatever said 1400 years ago, are becoming true, his pin-pointed knowledge has been proved from very beginning.
Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) called the Dajjal Al-Awar, which is “one with blind one eye” he said, that Dajjal’s right eye would be like a floating grape (Angoor), shaking (Latakna), not fixed in one position. Dajjal’s left eye would also look defective and green in color. The Prophet said that Dajjal’s  skin complexion would be “Reddy-White” — like people from England, America, North, Scotland or elsewhere.

But the mysteries are spreading about his existence and many of scholars has already proved that Dajjal is already arrived and living among us, creating anarchy and spreading the alarm of liberalization far away from goodness, peace and love.

Dajjal is really a MAN? or Its FITNA/FASAAD is actual dajjal's existence?
Imam-Mehdi, is really a ultimate solution or we should take some precautions before his arrival and prepare ourselves?
1. Social Media and websites (Internet):
We've been in delusional thoughts, that many of social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter are used as great weapon against Islam, here is why?
Social Media and all other websites are gathering the data of Islamic sentiments from long time ago when there was first Internet came in to existence, before Internet, the technology was not widely spread but they researched on Quran and Prophets.

What we think? what we do? What are our likes and dislikes? What type of interests and how deeply we follow Quran and Sunnah?
All the questions are important for non-believers to answer, they've studied us, and somehow manipulated our weaknesses and used it against us, foe example; Islam and Terrorism is highly connected, Islam and Muslims are regularly blamed for their violant activities..
Many reasons which need to be discussed and addressed before its too late, the non-believers are advancing its social and economical infrastructure to dominate the world.
Islam has been targeted and the image is destroyed, the links of terrorism are always connected with people have Islamic names, which are somehow engineered and invested huge budgets to de-value Islam and beauty.
So, the whole discussion/article was about Dajjal, where also mentioned from Hadith (Bukhari Sharif), that Dajjal will have the power to bring back dead to life and detect any person in world corner whether he/she against it or not, Dajjal will know.
Muslims got "ZERO" preparations against evil/darkness, while many top-powers are closing the doors to Islamic countries to annihilate their existence as part of preparations to win the battle against ALLAH and his Prophets.

2. Technology:
People are becoming the slaves of technology, here, i am not saying that technology is bad thing, technology is knowledge, and ALLAH never restricted humanity from learning and developing, but, our dependence on technology which is created 95% by non-believers brought Muslims to its knees which is quiet clear from current scenarios and Muslims are ultimate failure.

3. Faith/Eemaan:
We must not let our Faith in ALLAH, we must keep it together and defend. ALLAH will help us but faith does not mean "PRAYERS", it also means to prepare and defend and resist against unjustice of non-believers as they already planned and implemented its evil plans against Islam.

4. Economic War and Zionist Lobby:
The banking system was first established by Zionists, who controlled world financial institutions and made 90% of world economies under their supremacy, their system has widely spread, which is quiet of favorable to their laws.

There is a saying by Hazrat Ali (R.A) that "Kuffar System can be run successful but not the system of injustice.
Our problem is, waiting for help directly from ALLAH which is possible but in way you prepare yourself in first stage.
We must keep our strong faith,
We must stop fighting each other, and do some constructive work, and spread the strong message of Islam to world that we are no harm to you, we are guardians.
We must stand together on our feet and start building our future, take steps for stronger economies.
We must build our economical laws, technology of our own, invest on young generation in education (Scientific and Islamic) and Research & Development, eliminate corruption and restore justice.

Muhammad Atif, Branch Operations Supervisor (BOS) at First Women Bank Limited, post-graduated from Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, MBA. Certified General Banker from the Institute of Bankers Pakistan.

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