Women usually loves to be proposed (Secret taste)

Many reasonable issues are going on where men is likely or not much likely to obtain the identical approach towards women, many times, women argues while panicking the men may reduce the percentage of being loyal.
Anger of girls at time and their attitude behavior causes the opposite gender to stay away as the man can, girls likely to do many things that men doesn't know or never noticed.
But the hidden stories are not well - proclaimed that majority of girls whether they are shy or inspiring personality do love being proposed by boys, Reasons?
1. Girls enjoys when boys usually feels for girls because for girls most important feature is their beauty and self-sustained young complexion.

2. Girls usually loves to be proposed even if they does not Love him because she may change her mind on spot during single meeting, even she considers the boys handsome body and much more.

3. The nature of women or we can say a girl, is likely to be over-sized by their attractive behaviors. As there are 80% girls who want to be look pretty enough to boys so, they can embrace her beauty to everyone.
The Beauty that Never Gets Old
Different societies carries simplified way of girls communications with boys where they usually understand each-other, but in Pakistan there are different aspects of relationships, which has higher percentage of loyalty due to being with one girl all the time, Boys do have nature of shy in our society and so, the girls, this makes a beautiful combination when they get close enough!

Muhammad Atif, Branch Operations Supervisor (BOS) at First Women Bank Limited, post-graduated from Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, MBA. Certified General Banker from the Institute of Bankers Pakistan.

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