Mysterious conditions happens to human being when he/she sleeps at night and being doomed in dreams or nightmares that turns out to be very cool, sweet and soft and sometimes happens to be very horrific, with full of horror, thrill and panic.
Have you ever been paralyzed during your night sleep? There is saying that a devil or evil in dark comes closer to human body and catch his/her body and make him paralyze so human cannot move his entire body for few seconds. There is saying that people being trapped by JIN or Bhoot mainly viral name in Pashtu known as (KHAPASA),
The temporary paralysis happens all over the world - you are not alone in this situation - scientists of neurological sciences provided proofs regarding these situations in many circumstances.
In medical terms, sleep paralysis is when a person sleeping and awakens suddenly and his brain functionality is active but his body does not move.
This factor brings many questions in mind, turn human being in questions - that what factors are involved in paralysis is this spiritual phenomena or a neurological phenomenon.
"During the paralysis the factor involved which is; your brain is in deep sleep and when you wake up - brain functions very rapidly and your body does not move with quick action along with your connection with your brain, that causes a temporary miss timing and causes a temporary paralysis"
Many people report having attacked by devils and being trapped by some undefined, unknown and hidden spiritual powers, but in Medical terms, these experiences are defined as hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations.
Dr. David Hufford a professor for humanistic medicines at the Penn state medicine explored many suggestions given by him;
"I often experienced paralysis while i am sleeping and i wish to make record of such events by scientific equipment’s, it is unsure that is this really a medical approach because i was go through Bible and it stated a lot of studies regarding these things, and there might be something which we can say paranormal activity during human sleep and that made me more close to Bible and religion".
Have you ever experienced anything like that? - Give us your suggestions and experiences about night sleep paralysis and stories that are being confronted to you.